Good Karma:
Advertising Producers Association (APA)


The Advertising Producers Association (APA) have created a hub for the wider industry to access a more diverse workforce of both employees and crew, and to help provide opportunities for those currently underrepresented in production. Nevele was brought in to design their new brand identity for the relaunch of this platform.


  • Creative Direction & Art Direction

  • Logo Design & Branding

  • Graphic & Motion Design

  • Look & Feel Documentation

  • Template Design


Clever Creative

What goes around, comes back around, and this cycle of event is represented through the use of circular shapes, rotating words and graphic elements that help visualise Karma’s loop. The identity also incorporates a mystical/spiritual essence - a modernised talisman - which is a symbol believed to be an omen for good luck. The logo carries a lot of sentiment, while keeping a clean, bold, and professional aesthetic. 


Levi's x BHM

